Friday, January 13, 2017

Yes DS That Is A Big Driveway ~ Still Cleaning Up

Thanks Facebook Buds

*** Side Note to UPS. They're called chains numb nuts. You put off my delivery for four days now. All of the roads are plowed. I remember when our UPS drivers had BALLS!


  1. Sparkling Friday funnies. Thanks for kicking off my weekend with some much needed gigglesnorts.

  2. I'm sorry Odie. But remember Globul Warmin' will be here soon and that snow plowing will be a thing of the past.

  3. .....and as for the problem with the UPS guys, you want your stuff delivered on time, just answer the door next time wearing a tank top and short-shorts. Worked for me. ;)

  4. Perhaps it's the Y generation that's supposed to deliver our UPS package. Oh wait. most of them are living at moms house. Never mind.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  5. YeeHaw, Happy 70th Birthday!!! On Friday the 13th with a full moon, it's gonna be fun!

  6. Curmudgeon, I love being the supplier of Gigglesnorts.

  7. DS, that's right, I'll just sit here and wait for the warmin'.

  8. Sandee, it's hard to get around in a UPS truck in Mom and Dad's basement.


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