Friday, September 16, 2016

Libtardia . . . A Place?

Thanks Facebook Buddies


  1. I vacationed in Libtardia once. The Wine was no good, the beds were lumpy and everyone kept asking me the proper way of hanging a dreamcatcher from your car's rear view mirror.

  2. DS, is that what you're supposed to do with those things?

  3. Yep, this sizes it up very nicely. I've never been a liberal, so I've no first hand knowledge, but this sounds about right.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  4. Thanks Odie!

    I updated the Evelyn Taft weather report with the full video of the forecast. That was some 22 second teaser from last night, lol.

    Also, I've got you linked up on the 9/11 graphics. Thanks again!

  5. Sad but true! I've never agreed with the liberals. I think our country is finally waking up too, Trump is leading in the polls. Time for some good change! Have a great weekend!

  6. Sandee, look around. They're easy to spot.

  7. Donald, thanks! I'll have to get over there. I have to confess though, I did google image her after leaving your blog. I was right, WHAT A BABE!

  8. Cascia, we'll have to make sure all the Trump voters get out and vote. We can end this nonsense.


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