Monday, August 1, 2016

Another Milestone For Woodsterman . . . .

Thank you all for stopping by all of these years. 
Woodsterman and I (the guy behind the curtain)
have had a lot of fun. A blogging
friend of mine said to me once, "You took a 
fictional character and made him real and ran
with it." Who ever thought this guy would have
been this successful. 

Thank all of you I'm having a ball. The guy behind
the curtain will be 70 in a few months and he feels
like a kid. 



  1. Congratulations. I'll be 65 in September and I feel like I'm around 17. Having fun is a good thing. Carry on.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  2. Too fab! Congratulations, Sonny!!! And, a Happy Birthday, if I read you correctly. I'm happy for you. tb

  3. Congrats youngster! I will be 70 this month, look'n forward to another 20 something...

  4. Happy Birthday, Odie.

    And happy 4 mil, too

  5. Congratulations, Popular Dude! And happy birthday coming up! But, you know, I still think you'd have been even more successful if you'd just focused on glamour pics of Hillary Clinton. She's gonna be really big some day. I was just over on CNN, and they were selling her like she was Charlotte McKinney with a PhD!

  6. Meh. Old age sucks. Congrats on the milestone though.

  7. Four million? You don't look a day over three point five!
    Keep up the good work, Odie San!

  8. Trailbee, being one of a few bloggers I have met, you're Way Too Pretty to be calling me "Sonny".

  9. Adrienne, I had to reread that. I said I'll be 70 in a few months. Thank you for celebrating with me.

  10. Gruntsterdoode, I had to look up "Charlotte McKinney". That should really show my age. Where have I been. Do you really want to see photos of Hillary naked?

  11. Euripides, Thank You, and you're right about old age.

  12. Proof San, Thank you Sir! And I shall because my middle name is #$%@^% %^&*er.

  13. Congratulations - hope your hangover is not as bad as mine...

  14. Congrats! And thank you for ALWAYS making me smile! :o)


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