Wednesday, February 10, 2016

My Dream Girl


  1. Suck start a B-52, all eight engines simultaneously.

  2. That's a corker, but that guy's not hot enough to waste that talent on. I'm just sayin'.

  3. Fredd made me laugh out loud with his comment. He gets it just fine.

    You crack me up Odie. You always have and you always will. You have a one track mind.

    Have a terrific day. ☺

  4. Cube, I'll have to take your word for that.

  5. Ron, I wish you all the luck in the world.

  6. Sandee, I'm on the track heading on down the line.

  7. Thanks, Odie. I will certain ask for help with this one, and the Sunday school teacher, Miss Propertrim, is probably the one to ask. She is very wise, she'll fill me in. I'm sure the answer has something to do with the Bible anyhow.

  8. I had that happen to me once, but then I realized I was in Palo Alto, and it was a tranny bar. My wife got back from the 'ladies' room just in time.

  9. Fredd, If she's no help try any back alley where teens hang out.

  10. Grunt, that should of been a great date. They practice on each other you know.

  11. Now there's a girl with a useful skillset...


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