Friday, January 31, 2014

Joe Biden Is Brilliant


  1. I have both. So there.

    That was a hoot. A hoot.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  2. Sandee, I don't, but I'm still "young". An AR15 with 30 rounds should do the trick just fine. Just think if you have enough time to aim. In that case one round should take care of it, but two does a complete job.

  3. I appreciate a man who knows his guns. I tolerate a man who knows a little. And then there is Joe Biden.

  4. I hope you are feeling better, Odie. I put up a Woodsterman Style post this morning, btw. :-)

  5. Opie, much better thank you. Oh boy, I'd better get my bottom there, huh.

  6. Joe Biden fulfills the most important function in government - to provide entertainment. He's absolutely brilliant at that. It's high comedy.

  7. Joe Biden is an idiot, but I repeat myself!

  8. What about an AR shotgun, will Joey "Barrels to the Sky" Biden let me have that? ;)

  9. How did somebody not die during the filming of those videos?

    Slow Joe talks to the guys down at the imaginary dinner about guns all day...

  10. Euripides, Well looky there ... we was entertained.

  11. Madhat, yous gun nuts is all alike ... more, bigger, louder ... ain't it great.

  12. Race, scary the way those shotguns went flying huh.

  13. Old folks homes hire Joe to come over, juggle and tell jokes.


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