Sunday, July 22, 2012

Thank You Oh Great One

 Double - Double Dovetail Jewelry Box
 Small Ring Box (Very Small)
Tiled Salad Bowl

These are some examples of work I couldn't have completed
without Obama's and big government's help. After all, he did
teach me my woodworking skills .... oh wait I'm mostly self

But, he did build the internet right? Oh wait ... as a telephone
cable splicer in a previous life, I put those copper wires and
and fiber optic cables together. You know, come to think of it,
I don't remember seeing him up those poles or in the manholes
at all.

Gee, I hope I haven't hurt the feelings of those commie bastards that think like that golden pantload in the White House.

Maybe he'll be out there today helping me sell this stuff in
his FAILED economy ... or ... not ...


  1. One more time Odie, you didn't build that! Did you send the asshead a thank you card? Snark aside, great work!

  2. Ask yourself, How could I have done this without somebody organizing voter drives, getting convicted felons their voting rights restored, and giving speeches? How the hell did we go from putting a man on the moon, to renting space in space from the Russians?

  3. You might have built that jewelry box by yourself but there's no way it will stay empty without the governments help.

  4. Randy, Will he take responsibility for failure also?

  5. Race, it is shameful the way this buffoon keeps taking us backwards, but I believe that's his game plan.

  6. mf(?)Steve, Good point. I should be able to sell more if DuhWon promises to fill them.

  7. A pantload is a terrible thing to waste. But let's not elect another to the White House. Put it out in the garden where it will do some good.

  8. You are good Odie, but the Master in the White House is "all seeing" and "all knowing"! If you don't believe that, just ask him!

  9. Oh Barf. He's done nothing but put us in more debt and now there's that new Obummer care tax to deal with. He's a raging idiot. He's worse then Jimmy Carter and that's saying a lot.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  10. Sig94, Not to waste ... we'll use him next spring.

  11. Ron, we've all been saved. I just don't know what to do without some collective's help.

  12. Odie, I am drooling at the wooden beauty.

    You are truly the Woodsterman.

  13. Those items are true works of art, Odie!

    That pos insulted you, and all great business owners and artisans with his moronic statement.

    Too bad he wasn't on top of a telephone pole, and he could have jumped off! He's been in LOTS of manholes, however, hee hee!

  14. Beautiful work, Odie. And no thanks to Da-One. If it was up to him, you'd be in the food stamp line along with every other business owner who did it on his/her own.

  15. Excellent work, sir, and, when you send your thank you card to Zero for giving you the Internet, you might send him a bio of Dr Tim Berners-Lee, the guy who made it all go.


    PS I do like the woodwork. I'm sure it helps keep you sane.

  16. Lady, if I'm not careful I'll loose my place in line.

  17. Edutcher, sane who's sane? Thank you sir.

  18. *Sigh* So gorgeous! You are so talented, Odie! And yes, it's ALL you (and maybe some God-given talent the rest of us can only dream of ;)).

  19. Fuzzy, thank you so much. It's a labor of love.

  20. Almost time for the wife and me to do some Christmas shopping with you -- we will start that shopping in September, I think. Will be in touch!

  21. WOW!

    I doubt 0bama ever used a saw or sand paper. I bet he has huffed the fumes from the lacquer though. What you do is your gift and yours alone. It just shows how depressing sad and pathetic 0bama really. How is it that any adult could utter tripe like that?

  22. Admiral, I'm right a lot ... it's a curse.

  23. I understand the labor of love. Great style, fit and finish as usual Odie! Let the salesman in chief do his thing; Just don't hand him a piece of sandpaper; You may have nothing left.


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