Saturday, April 17, 2010

Origin of the White Wedding Dress

  A son asked his mother the following question:
  'Mom, why are wedding dresses white?'  The mother looks at her son and replies:
  'Son, this shows your friends and relatives that your bride is pure.'
  The son thanks his Mom and goes off to double-check this with his father.
  'Dad why are wedding dresses white?'
  The father looks at his son in surprise and says:
  'Son, all household appliances come in white.'
(They are still looking for dad !!)


  1. I was liking this until the end!
    Well, I got my new dishwasher yesterday w/ 15% "Obummer money" and for once, it is black, to match my big toaster oven and microwave. I can't wait until it's installed. The 6 Million to illinois was depleted in 11 hours, So, I'm glad I went to Sears yesterday!

  2. Bunni, you didn't get a white one? Oh, by the way, are you brushing up on your Shakespeare speak? I hear your Mayor wants you to talk that way next week ... what a MORON

  3. I'm with Bunni. I liked it until the end. Although, with that response the dad deserved to disappear.

  4. Teresa, Learn to laugh .................. at my bruises.

  5. Beautiful photo with the joke.

  6. Opie, I think she is one of the most beautiful brides I have ever seen.

  7. Welcome Red, Thank you for stopping by. Ooooo is right.

  8. Hey Odie, are you the guy that stands out in thunderstorms holding up a big iron pole? (I thought it was funny!)

  9. All the time Velcro. That's how I keep my reflexes honed. I have to keep a half a step ahead of these beauties.

  10. I'm with you and Red, Odie....Ooooh!


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