Thursday, March 18, 2010

Good Question


  1. Have you heard this one?

    Two prisoners were sitting in their cell talking, one said to the other, “You are getting out in a couple of weeks, are you going straight or back in politics?"

  2. Funny Stuff, both you guys!
    ♣♣♣Odie, Happy St. Patrick's Day, From Bunni. ♣♣♣ I celebrated alot ;-)

  3. Euripides, I haven't heard it before, but it sounds very familiar.

  4. Oh Bunni, does you pooh witto head hurt ?

  5. So true Woodie, on our side of the pond too. We are managing to get some bottom feeding MPs into court for stealing from us but they are just the fall guys abandoned to their fate by their mates.

  6. Banned, we call it politics Chicago style.


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