Monday, February 1, 2010

Aargh Matey


  1. Long ago I had to dance like that as a pirate in my high school's production of Peter Pan. No one shot at us, though I do remember a few spit balls flying up from the audience.

  2. I always dress like a pirate. At the moment, though, my parrot is at the dry cleaners.

  3. That's how you learned to move so quickly, snarky.

  4. Damn Nickie, I would have guessed a clown suit.

  5. I'm glad he's missing Motivational Day, Foamy would yell at him. These pirates are gay.

  6. Bunni, I love gay pirates, don't you? I went to your place and saw Foamy and then came back here. I rewatched this and cracked up about Motivational day. I knew it would catch you funny ... Happy Gay Day !

  7. I remember an amusement park in Ocean City called Jolley Rogers. I used to love going there. The singing pirates were kind of gay. Just a wee bit too happy. Anything for a day off.

  8. There you go Teresa, Gay means "happy" not homosexual. The PC crowd just keeps making a mess out of the English language. Enjoy Jolly Roger Day ....

  9. I have to say that when you work in the old entertainment business, Odie, you don't half meet some very happy people!

    This video is totally camp - pure Mel Brooks parody!

  10. Spidey, sort of Blazing Saddles on a ship, huh.

  11. Or even "Robin Hood - Men In Tights", Odie. ;-)


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