Saturday, January 30, 2010

Police Chase ... Well Sort Of


  1. First, the cops didn't even chase the getaway driver. Then, they don't even chase the criminals on foot. What a bunch of lazy ass cops. And, then the robbers just give themselves up. Unbelievable.

  2. That guy driving that get away car was shape waiting for the cops to run into the bank. Then just slowly driving away as though nothing had happened.

  3. So, Odie... Now your drawing the big Wall Street-types?

  4. Well Nickie, It's just about time to begin the verification process. This is happening more and more now. Damn, I hate to do that.

  5. Sorry Teresa, I really need to do more proof reading ... the word should be sharp not shape.

  6. Hah. That's awesome! (Not that I condone robbery ... it's just too funny not to laugh at that Keystone caper.)

  7. Snarky, you're right-on. Keystone fits right in here.

  8. Snarky beat me to that one, Odie, I was just going to say that was pure Keystone Kops! :-D


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