Friday, October 2, 2009

BUT ...


  1. Odie, I expect sax from you. But violins? Shocking.

  2. Opie, you spelled it wrong, but what does violins have to do with it?

  3. Odie,
    That is just so wrong, man. I hope after she gets up, he gets B*tch slapped, very much deserved.

  4. She got the smack down, he looked kind of gay anyway, (not that there's anything wrong with that, yeah right) ;-)


Put it here ... I can't wait to read it. I have the Captcha turned OFF but blogger insists it be there. You should be able to bypass it.

** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.