Tuesday, January 20, 2015

I'm Not Sure Why These Things Aren't Everywhere (2)

Fresh pizza vending machines.
 Benches that you can turn to always have a dry seat.
 Power strips that you can expand and rotate.

 Mug that catches any drips.


  1. I need that coffee cup. My cup always looks a mess. And you can just move that pizza vending machine right into my kitchen.

  2. Adrienne, I'm with you on the coffee mug, but how good could pizza be out of a vending machine.

    1. No reason for the pizza not to be decent. Maybe the level of a DiGiorno. I have to go to Costco today. Time for a slice of their wonderful pizza!

    2. They have good pizza? I've never tried it, but then I don't think I've ever eaten anything there.

  3. Well, we can dream. I want that pizza machine. Yes I do.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

    1. Sandee, OK you two I guess we'll have to find you pizza machines.

  4. I'm just ewww about all of these things. I'm just fine.

  5. Not sure about the vend-o-pizza, but the others are good.

    PS there's a site called Quirky with stuff like that.


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