Monday, January 19, 2015

I'm Not Sure Why These Things Aren't Everywhere (1)

Traffic lights with countdown indicators.
 Wall outlets with USB chargers.
 It should also come with a built-in night light.
 And the ultimate outlet would also have 
extension cords built into the wall.
 Small tiles you can attach to your keys, wallet, 
computer, or pretty much anything.

If you lose anything, you can then look up 
their location on your smartphone.


  1. The USB charger is wonderful and will probably be standard issue soon. I'm forever untangling and trying to hide ugly cords.

    1. Adrienne, all of the newer cars have USB chargers built in. Mrs. Woodsterman's new Jeep even has a 110 AC inverter built in.

  2. All great ideas, but the last one...if I can find these things, so can someone else. Call me paranoid, but no.

    1. Wraith, that was my first thought too. Looks like you and I won't be the first two on our block to have them. Although, my Mac Book Pro and iPhone are already able to find each other.

  3. Way cool. Someday you won't have to plug anything in. Just be near the power source. You just wait, it will happen.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. I hope you're feeling better. ☺

  4. I have always said I should've been born in the future because I love scientific innovation so much. Wait, loving progress is one thing... not like loving progressives, OK?

  5. Is it just me or do you remember when yellow traffic lights started flashing before changing to red ?

    1. dan, They never did in my neck of the woods, but we Cross Walking Signs with seconds countdowns.

  6. A lot of places put the countdown counters on the walk/ don't walk indicators. Some even have chirping sounds to indicate to the visually impaired when there is insufficient time to safely cross the street.

    The answer to virtually every question you raise is cost. Plus if you say, put an extension cord on every outlet but didn't need on on every outlet, you raise the cost of buying a new home.

    They're good ideas. To the extent that people start buying them and then expecting them, they will become more widespread.

    Besides, I already have a night light on my outlet. It's on my USB charger! Heh.

  7. Replies
    1. Edutcher, I think you'll find them in Europe with the Mooselimbs.

  8. Great ideas! Love the USB and the extension cord especially.

  9. I need all of those - made out of wood.


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