Thursday, March 22, 2012

Some Headlines Are Just Better Than Others

Thanks Dan !


  1. They don't write'm like they used to...or maybe they do?

  2. That 2nd one would make a great title for a satire.

  3. I knew there was a way to cross rivers...Get the closed meeting headline from Obama's website?

  4. AOW, I like "City unsure why Woodsterman smells".

  5. If you print it it must be true right? The press for the most part are a bunch of idiots. Just saying.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  6. Sandee, you're just saying, and I be knowin.

  7. Those are great, but not surprising. Sewers stink because of all the crap spewed by liberals in the metro areas. We'll soon be like old Mexico, have you even walked the streets there. I understand that Roma has quite the auroma!

  8. Ron, I've been to Mexico and it does STINK!

  9. I think the fourth one was written by Sandra Fluke.

  10. Lady, I don't think she shares that motive.

  11. That's why she needs free bc...all that frequent sex.

  12. Lady, she likes the fact that the libs want you to pay for it.


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