Sunday, March 26, 2023

It's Funday Ever-Body ~ 2


This Brought Mrs. Woodsterman and I to tears laughing.

Thanks FBers


  1. I do love the produce section! And vacuuming the lawn, also. :-)
    I can happily say I have never watched an episode of Picard.
    Thanks for these, Odie. You all be safe and God bless.

    1. They knew better than to make a spin-off Trek Kirk: Old And Creaky.

    2. LindaG, Veggie and Fruit meld. I first saw that and told Mrs. Woodsterman and we both laughed and said, "That's Us."

    3. edutcher, really. Why did they have to have a gay Enterprise Capt?

    4. Odie, I understand about the fruit and veggies!

    5. It's called eating your seed corn.

  2. You can tell she's a Jersey girl by the dyed (henna'd?) hair wearing a lovely pink-flowered dress and a cheesy handbag for contrast

  3. Of course, in the old days, they'd have water spurting out of all appropriate orifices.

  4. The first time I saw National Lampoons Vacation I remember thinking that if I had Beverly D'Angelo in the car I wouldn't have given Christy Brinkley a glance and I'll bet I'm not alone in that.


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