Friday, March 19, 2021

Men In Women's Sports ~ 1

Thank You Paul Hunt! 


  1. This was comedy back then but today it sadly is either offensive to people or considered normal all inclusive behavior because some guy identifies as one of the other 57 genders.

    1. Wingman, This was meant to lighten the mood, not get you so deep in thought. I'll try again later.

  2. That there mother fucker is completely in tune with the musculoskeletal dynamic! (Funny son of a bitch, too!)

    1. Patrick D, I laughed my ass off when I found this.

  3. Comedy back then is reality now. I seriously need a "way back machine" to rid myslef of this nonsense.

    1. Coffee Man, the tune these politicians are playing to the mind numbed right now will hopefully get turned off. Meanwhile, enjoy this show.

  4. Peoples gonna be seeing a lot more of this only it won't be comedy.

    1. Kid, I think you will see a girl's sports revolt shortly.

  5. THIS is how Americans mocked the Evil Empire. And it is why we won Two World Wars and defeated the USSR.
    Since we have now surrendered to the Socialist/Communist/Woke Bastards,
    Americans are no longer allowed to Mock those who are evil,
    Those who would destroy us,
    Those who deserve to be ridiculed.
    Instead they have appointed themselves our Masters,
    and the servants of those Masters
    That torment us day in and day out
    are called
    Abusive Public Servants.
    And one day (I PRAY)...
    Americans will remember who WE are,
    WE THE PEOPLE will NOT be ruled...
    and our Abusive Public Servants and their Masters
    will wish that America would only Mock them.

    MSG Grumpy

    1. MSG Grumpy, I hope you're right (and I think you are) and we'll launch into these M'effers. Meanwhile, enjoy this show.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.