Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Behold . . . . Skipisms in the Afternoon


Thanks Skip


  1. Man,, I know Im twisted and all that, I gotta admit, thats somewhere between funny and scary, that dude with the Wipes mouth opening,, Is that a portable glory hole? Okay,, there may be alcohol involved in this post,,

  2. Justin_O_Guy, yes a portable Gloryhole. Why else would it say "Luvs"?

  3. So was Oprah training young girls in her private school for a oral test at sex island?

  4. You mean there are evil people out there ? Who's gonna tell the kids under 45 or so.

  5. Oprah, huh?

    Explains why she never married.

  6. Demented guy, in all honesty, I try and avoid Oprah. She sweats evil.

  7. Kid, I believe you have to be a card carrying member of the communist party before youngins listen.

  8. edutcher, she could never pass the smell test.


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