Friday, January 24, 2020

This Is So Well Done . . . .

The failed sucker punch, the sweat shirt "Repent Sinners",
and the music make this a collector's item.

Thanks Jan!


  1. Worthless punk. The one that threw the punch that is. Good save.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Odie. 😎

  2. Welp, let me say Andrea Bocelli's Time To Say Goodbye is my absolute favorite love song.

    I would never have put it together with a burly dude stopping a little puke's limp-wristed sucker punch. Because of that, it makes the video all the more hilarious.

    The next time I sit with my lover sipping wine and sharing pillow talk with Bocelli playing the background, I will probably see this video in my head.

    Damn you, Odie. (Laughing)

    Have a great weekend my friend.

  3. Curmudgeon, but did you notice the "Repent Sinner" sweatshirt the burly guy was wearing.

    Here's to you and your lover ... laughing.

  4. Enjoyed it. Love seeing thesee fascist punks lose.

    That guy he was swing at would have destroyed him if he connected.

  5. For More Andrea Bocelli and a mind cleansing - enjoy Drones, Fireworks, and Andrea

  6. It did not backfire, if it did the punk would have suffered. The heading should read, "A sucker punch thwarted."

  7. Should have kept his arm or at least make him beg for it back. Preferably with a bone or two snapped.

  8. Legend says that same man caught a sniper bullet bare handed and saved a General.

  9. Kid, Thanks for the tip on the fireworks vid with Bocelli in the background. That was AMAZING!

  10. Kid, good thing a really big guy caught it.

  11. Adrienne, if you prefer I could put a price on it.

  12. Captcraig, Thanks for the suggestion ..........

  13. Cougar58, I also thought he was a i bit gentle. I think he was just trying to be better than the antifa punk.

  14. The Unemployed Philosopher, could happen .........

  15. Curmudgeon, glad you came back. Now I don't have to send it to you.


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