Friday, September 22, 2017

Fu-Fu-Fu-Fu-Fu-Fu-Fu-Fu-Fu-Fu-Fu-Fu- Fun Friday

Thanks Facebookers


  1. I love them all. I love Rocket Man the best. That will stick to this weirdo forever.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  2. 1 and 2, but I can't decide which one best describes the human condition.

  3. Took a few minutes for me to see the dino :)

    Kimmy Rocket Man image = fantastic. LMAO!

  4. Odie, the thrill continues! Love the Friday stuff and am stealing the Rocket Man pic..with attribution, of course.


  5. Sandee, I keep waiting for his Generals to dig a deep hole and push him in, but I guess they don't who they can trust.

  6. edutcher, I wanted to see what condition my condition was in, so I picked number 2. The eyes made it an easy choice.

  7. Planner Doode, cool cuz I stoleded it 2.


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