Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Note To The 49ers:

Note to the 49ers:

I will not watch your team, my favorite team, 
until this Kaepernick nonsense is settled. Try
 this on for size, leave him and the newest 
malcontent in the locker room until after the 
National Anthem is over. 

Let these children demonstrate somewhere else.

Meanwhile: Here's the newest. 


  1. Exactly.

    Boycott the products that sponsor 49er games.

    Hit 'em in the pocketbook.

    It always gets their attention.

  2. This is a great plan Odie. Why not just leave him in the locker room the entire game.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  3. edutcher, that one is also in the works. Why do they have to take the one thing I love and turn it into a political statement?

  4. Sandee, just taking his stage away is fine with me.

  5. They are my team too for longer than CK has been alive and he is ruining my whole season because no one can stop talking about him.

  6. Jan, This is the last time I'm mentioning it myself. I think I've given him just about all the "Ink" I'm going to waste on him and the other malcontents in the NFL. It's time for me to quietly stop buying their advertiser's products. I've been a loyal fan since 1980, and my thanks is a malcontent Kaepernick slap in the face.

  7. Unfortunately, the cancer is spreading. In addition to Colon kneeling with one of his teammates, I believe I saw two or three of his teammates giving the black power salute, along with two or three members of the Lambs.

    I'm going to boycott the whole NFL until they clean up their act.

  8. No 9er football support here til they get their act cleaned up...

  9. Proof, yup, I have wood to stack in the wood shed.

  10. Brig, Let's see if we can make them uncomfortable.

  11. Great idea for the ball game. Hadn't thought of that. And that Weekend at Bernie's is just too much---stealing to stick up on my politically incorrect site.

  12. Yeah, I'm done with the NFL for a while.

  13. 'Confessions of an ex-NFL Fan', where I throw in my two cents worth:


  14. Proof, I'll get over there and check it out.

  15. Weekend At Illary's is probably what will do her in more than anything else.

    And right on about the 9ers.

  16. The NFL is going to chop off their foot if they're not careful. I'll bet their sponsors are starting to rumble.

  17. edutcher, We'll all have to go through withdrawal.

  18. Daddy, I sure hope the sponsors get good and angry.


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