Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Feel That Bern . . . . .

 Can you feel it?

Thank You Facebook Friends


  1. The success of Sanders is proportional to the distrust of Clinton, which should be instructive. And I don't know what's happening at DNC HQ as that unfolds, but it can't be pretty. Will the FBI refer the case against HRC to DOJ or won't they? and if that happens, will Biden pick up all of her super-delegates for the win irrespective of how Sanders does in the primaries --- and will Sanders supporters vote in the general election for Biden?

    Oh my.

  2. I was listening to the radio yesterday around noon, and heard the host (you know which host I am talking about) discussing Bernie's employment history: he never got a paycheck until he was 40, and even then it was from the state for signing up food stamp recipients.

    His old roomies from way back said Bernie lived like a slob, throwing his crap everywhere in his dumpy, shared hovel.

    And now he is the go-to guy for the Democrats, if the old, fat lesbian crone takes a political/criminal crap on them.

    Feel the Bern, folks.

  3. I think the entire election is a farce. There's just nobody that's it at the top of the heap. The dems have nothing. Nothing. Trump is a joke and if anyone can get Hellery elected it's him. Okay that goes for Bernie too. What a joke. We're the ones that will pay though.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  4. This is so frustrating. I have a "Bern the Witch!" bumpersticker, and I want to use it, but then I'd be supporting this commie moron! AAAARRRRHGGHGHGHGGHH!!!

  5. Bernie should put himself in that first photo. He lifted himself out of poverty by all manner of welfare, government assistance and government jobs.

  6. LL, a super delegate is a Hillary delegate ... funny how that works.

  7. Fredd, you have an uncanny knack for bumming the rest of us out.

  8. Sandee, I guess We the People will have to rush the Hill.

  9. Grunt, I'm just not very sympathetic of your plight.

  10. Proof, he's a poster boy for government help.

  11. Odie: You write "Fredd, you have an uncanny knack for bumming the rest of us out."

    Yes, I'm gifted in that regard.

  12. Bernie is the ultimate "free stuff" candidate. He would give free college tuition so we can have more burger-flippers with degrees!


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