Thursday, January 14, 2016

Dog Day Afternoon ~OR~ Please Pass The Bacon


Let's hear it for the Baconator!

Thanks Hal


  1. Most of the Mooselims in my neighborhood wear 'barkas' And they look like the Mooselim lady pictured above.

  2. How can you be "terrorized" by bacon? I don't recall Jews ever being "terrorized" by pork, or a Catholic being "terrorized" by a piece of meat on Friday. Bacon hanging on a mosque doorknob? Take it off, give it quick wash (it is greasy, after all), and get on with your life. These people are completely nuts.

  3. Bwahahahahahahahahaha. Big lot of complainers they are.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  4. LL, aren't you glad they wear them then.

  5. Adrienne, I love how we can get to them in this way.

  6. Gotta disagree with Adrienne above: bacon is not greasy. It's simply well marbled.

  7. Adrienne's right. No way a little bacon 'terrorizes' anybody. Now, if somebody left a group of feminists in the mosque courtyard, THAT would count as terrorism, and I'd condemn that kind of barbarism!

  8. Shame on you for insulting that dog!

  9. Odie, you got me. You're right. Technically, I wouldn't complain about using the nuclear option (feminist dumping) against radical mosques. But against decent people, it would be barbaric, and I'd condemn it, for sure. Thanks for keeping me honest...


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