Saturday, July 11, 2015

Globemaster ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

C-17 on Final Approach...

For all you military plane lovers out there, 
here is an amazing shot of a C-17 on final approach.
I only send this to people that appreciate military aircraft.
Thanks Hal 


  1. RR, you bet! We plane lovers need to stick together.

  2. I'm surprised you saw the plane. Just saying.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  3. Globemaster, eh? Such spectacular globes to be master of!

  4. aaah... a pilot's feel good piece. What she really looked like on the left...

  5. Proof, so you're a connoisseur of globes.

  6. edutcher, and everything in its place.

  7. It took me a while to find the plane. Nice picture composition

  8. It took me a while to find the plane. It has always been one of my favorites.


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