Monday, April 27, 2015

Awww Monday ~ Woodsterman Style

Photography is patience and timing.

Thanks Hal 


  1. Awww, on all of them. I love your take on Awww Monday.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  2. The bird/doggie pic reminds me of one day last week when a big fluffy stray was on our property. He saw a male pheasant and headed in his direction. I was watching from the house and thought, "Now this should be interesting."

    When the pheasant saw the cat he stretched his neck as long as it would go and spread out his enormous wings and let out a couple of shrieks. The cat took one look at that enormous pissed off bird and decided that it really wasn't worth the hassle.

  3. Sandee, thank you. Thanks for adding me. I done slept in and ain't had a chance to add myself.

  4. Cute photos heheh!

    Have an awwtastic week :-)

  5. Great photo shares! I hope you have a nice week and as always, thank you for sharing.

  6. The number one rule of taking great pictures is...take lots of pictures, but ruthlessly destroy all the bad ones. Then, when you show your photos to friends and family, they all marvel at what a great photographer you are!

  7. Annesphamily, Thank you and back at you.

  8. Proof, Over here we call it "Woodstermanning Photos".

  9. That top one will not have a happy ending!


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