Friday, August 1, 2014

More Humour From Across The Pond - Dos

Thanks Ron (LINK)


  1. bloody funny! have a blessed weekend dear friend!

  2. WHT, Pip pip and have a great weekend.

  3. Bwahahahahahahaha. Kids rock sometimes.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. :)

  4. HILARIOUS! Thanks for the laugh, Woodsterman!
    The first one REALLy cracked me up!

  5. I had a teacher who used to say stuff like that all the time, "Who do I spell it…or, how is it spelled correctly?" I now have a habit of doing that to people.

  6. I think I remember my
    Grandad smacking me for similar responses...or was it Grandma?

  7. Scotty, you couldn't tell the difference?

  8. Yea, I thought those were good ones too. Sorry haven't been around the past couple of days, but not feeling up to snuff!

  9. Ron, it's more important to take care of yourself.


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