Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Lifes Little Truths ... Or Something Like That - Again.

Thanks Dan!


  1. I hate the mirror at the end of the counter.

  2. I hate those mirrors too. It's just not right that we should be reminded what we really look like. Bwahahahahahaha.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  3. Nobody walks anymore...I love modern conveyances. Is it still a "Stairway to Heaven" or an elevator?

  4. We're all still kids at heart, right?

  5. Mirror of life---that's about right. Had a very productive trip to my doctor today. Won a trip to out-patient surgery tomorrow---so much for the 4th!

  6. According to my liberal friends, I have no reflection in the mirror.

  7. Mirrors... very bad Feng Shui, except for those ceiling ones.

  8. Scott, don't know, I haven't been that way yet.

  9. Ron, crap that's awful. You take care Buddy.

  10. Brighid, I've never had enough chewing gum to make that work.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.