Wednesday, March 5, 2014

This Winter at St Joseph Lighthouse, Lake Michigan

This is weirdly beautiful.....
St Joseph Lighthouse, Lake Michigan 
1/2014 after a storm.

This is the St. Joseph Lighthouse on Lake Michigan. 
It is encased in ice as the Midwest was hit with 
wind chills that reached   -50 degrees.

Thanks Dan !


  1. Amazing what mother nature can do!

  2. Randy, yup, it never seizes to amaze.

  3. This is awesome, but there was another thought...note to self, 'stay out of Lake Michigan in the winter.'

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  4. Mother Nature is a great artist.

  5. Great shots. I was raised about 60 miles from there.

  6. Mother nature speaking out about global warming.

  7. Looks haunted!

    But beautiful, nevertheless.

  8. AOW, We'll call it global confusion.


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