Monday, September 2, 2013

Why I Still Love Newspapers! ~ 2

Thanks Dan !


  1. All of these reporters went on to assume management roles at MSNBC.

  2. Newspapers strive to entertain us.

  3. Yep here's some more people that are clueless. Bless their hearts.

    Have a terrific day Odie. :)

  4. Newspapers - what a joke! Maybe English is their second language?

  5. They used to have a motivational sign that said, "Thimk" (if you remember the 50s, you know it well).

    Nice to see some things never go out of date.

  6. And yet, you never EVER see an employment ad for proofreaders, do ya?

  7. Edutcher, perzackly ... I remember it well ... "Thimk"


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