Sunday, September 29, 2013

RINO Alert .... RINO Alert ....

If you don't think this is war, you haven't been paying attention.

Mitch McConnell is up for reelection, and I will do all 
I can to get rid of this disgusting RINO! I support 
Matt Bevin for the Senator from Kentucky. 
He has Mitch McConnell running scared already.

The old guard of the Republican Party has to go!
They care more about being reelected and cocktail parties
with the Dems and the Main Stream Media than they do about
their country or who elected them. 

I'll be highlighting one of these jerks at least once a week.


  1. Even if I thought McConnell could do some good, these guys hold on to their seats like a birthright...

    However, I wonder if the Republicans threw out all their old-timers, and the Democrats held on to theirs...what would happen?

    ....lets try and see...

  2. Race, could it be any worse? I'd sure like to see it.

  3. The "entitled legislators" and their exclusive club tends to separate them from the people they serve. McConnell, and McCain are poster children for the problem - not the solution.

  4. LL, you get it, I get it, so why are so many Republicans asleep when it comes time to fix this?

  5. L.L. is spot on. Yes he is. Something needs done on both sides of the aisle.

    Have a terrific day Odie. :)

  6. Mitch has got to go. The Old Order will always fight to stay in power but will in time give way to the New Order.

  7. keep outing them Woodsy! have a sweet Sunday my friend..:)

  8. They've stopped being RINOs, now they're Whigs.

  9. Edutcher, I think you're on to something.

  10. You couldn't be more right. They are there for many years and the only thing they're worried about is getting re-elected.
    As for the voters, I think it's apathy. They keep voting the same guys/gals in year after year because they recognize the name.

  11. Lady (Missed You!) It's called lazy voters.

  12. GREAT that you'll be highlighting one of these jerks at least once a week, Odie! That ought to keep ya busy. Just save time for 'Rule 5' ... know what I mean?! **wink-wink**

  13. Marine, we'll have a RINO and Rule 5 hunt weekly.

  14. Being from the Cincinnati area, this RHINO is the subject of much debate on our local talk radio. No one wants him; if he gets re-elected it will be by name recognition when the oldsters hit the polls.

  15. A RINO and Rule 5 hunt weekly?! Odie, you've given purpose to my life!

  16. Odie, look up the word doughface and tell me they aren't doing the exact same thing.

  17. We need to clean House and Senate.

  18. Brooke, I think the oldsters are the most mad at him.

  19. Edutcher, I picked that photo and added my artistic license to it. I picked it for Pasty.


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