Wednesday, August 14, 2013

People of Walmart ... The Musical? (Woodsterman Style)

Actually, I've been following Jessica on YouTube for about 4 years. It's been a hoot.

What's better than Woodsterman and Walmart ?


  1. She's a hoot and she's cute. Odie, you have a winning combo there.

  2. "You can be whoever you want to be at Walmart." Sadly, most people go as "themselves". I think that the video was filmed at MY Walmart, but I suspect that everyone will say the same thing.

  3. Jessica is super cute and great personality. Rockin video.

  4. I can't take Walmart. Love the video though. Spot on.

    Have a terrific day. ☺

  5. LL, you know your Walmart pretty well I suspect. Are you in the video?

  6. Starfish, I thought it would nice to put a little spin on the Walmart theme.

  7. Sandee, I love Walmart, but mine is a little tamer. I have been tempted to take photos though.

  8. My local Walmarts aren't this crazy. I wish I could see some of this kookiness because it would make me laugh and sort of forget I'm shopping at Walmart.

  9. Cube, they're out there. I've seen a few. I did however see some very beautiful babes too.

  10. 2T2, of course that's why you are here.

  11. Shame, shame on you Odie for continuing your attack on Walmart. You know your mother goes there, not to mention your brothers and sisters. And please don't tell me these unwarrented attacks are nothing but satire, after so many post on the subject your true feeling toward an american icon are clear. WTF are you doing? Have you crossed the line into the enemy camp or is it just temporary insanity?


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.