Monday, August 5, 2013


*If you are a senior you will understand this one, if
                 you deal with seniors, this should help you understand
                 them a little better, and if you are not a senior yet. *
                *God willing, someday you will be. *

                 *The 2.99 Special *
                 *We went to breakfast at a restaurant where the
                 'seniors' special' *
                 *was two eggs, bacon, hash browns and toast for $2.99. *
                 *'Sounds good,'my wife said. *
                 *'But I don't want the eggs.' *
                 *'Then, I'll have to charge you $3.49 *
                 *because you're ordering a la carte,' *
                 *the waitress warned her. *
                 *'You mean I'd have to pay *
                 *for not taking the eggs?' *
                 *my wife asked incredulously. *
                 *'YES!' stated the waitress. *
                 *'I'll take the special then,' *
                 *my wife said. *
                 *'How do you want your eggs?' *
                 *the waitress asked. *
                 *'Raw and in the shell,' my wife replied. *
                 *She took the two eggs home and baked a cake. *
                 *DON'T MESS WITH SENIORS! *
                 *WE'VE been around the block more than once! *
                 *Send this to the Seniors in your life. *
                 *I'm sure they'll appreciate it! *
                 *Even non-seniors will appreciate it *

Thanks Dan!


  1. I think I know some of these types.

  2. Raw and in the shell. That's great. Thanks for the new concept.

  3. Raw and in the shell! I love it!

  4. Conservative seniors live and learn...Libs live and unlearn.(:

  5. A conservative will take them raw, in the shell, and bake a cake.

    A liberal will take them raw, in the shell, and then throw them at the window of the business on the way out.

  6. Us old folks have to stick together. I've had many a raw egg, but do prefer them in cakes.

  7. Supi, you've heard of common sense? Well this is senior sense.

  8. Scotty, The lib paid the higher price.

  9. LL, I can picture that. You're 100% right.

  10. Ron, I wonder if the waitresses' boss knows she cost him two eggs when he could of got off cheaper.

  11. I'm happy to say that I get this and I've seen this very kind of thing. Don't mess with us is right. Loved this.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  12. old farts of America unite

  13. Most places are smart enough to say, "OK", if you want them to hold the eggs, but I been to a few where it wasn't.

    But only once.

  14. Don't forget to grab a few of those sample jellies!

  15. I was over at Buffy's and thought I'd drop by. I'll be there, if you need me.

  16. Sandee, we're a force to be reckoned with.

  17. Edutcher, these people have to learn the once principle.

  18. Gotta love it. I hope to be one of those seniors one day.


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