Thursday, June 27, 2013

How Could The NSA Make A Mistake ?


  1. This video is probably not that far from how the NSA mindset really works - not a clue as to who is who.

  2. there are lots of "honey traps" out in the wild because they work

    I can't find the link but William Casey had a problem with different agencies "leaking" false information

  3. The woman that is scared out of her wits is saying WTF

  4. Booti, "not a clue as to who is who." You're a poet and your feet show it, they're Longfellow's.

  5. GOODSTUFF, we have to beware of those "Honey Traps". What's Pooh Bear got to do with it ... or is that "Honey Pot"?

  6. That WAS a rhetorical question, right, Odie?

  7. Sounds about right to me. Bunch of bumbling idiots.

    Have a terrific day Odie. ☺

  8. Sandee, We need more government employees huh.

  9. Badges, "we all have our stinking badges"! What happens when one hand doesn't know what the other is doing. I might just have to steal this one---wonder if utube would mind--sorry I meant the NSA!

  10. Ron, go for it. Posting your stuff tomorrow.


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