Friday, June 21, 2013

A Practical Solution To Gun Control

So I say we meet the liberals halfway on gun control 
by simply banning all liberals from owning guns.

This will also solve the problems of the mentally 
unstable and incompetent having access to firearms.
Is this moron even a citizen?

Thanks Dan !


  1. You can't fix stoopid...but maybe in this case...

  2. We're overloaded with a special kind of stupid. Let's look at the high crime cities (homicides by guns) and you'll find the tightest gun control laws. Amazing isn't it.

    Have a terrific day Odie. ☺

  3. YE, GODS!

    A woman is actually peering down the barrel of a gun. Perhaps a purge of gene pool is about to occur.

  4. My Lady Smith & Wesson has laser sights, but not because I need them to shoot... I just think lasers are COOL!

  5. Banning liberal from owning guns is like trying to ban criminals from owning. If they want them they will get them. Personally I feel that a liberal with a gun is one dangerous person, that is if they can find the trigger. I may steal one of those images.

  6. Give the Lefties firearms.

    And let Darwin do the rest.

  7. Lefties are the ones who go postal. They SHOULD be banned from America.

  8. The gene pool needs badly cleaned

  9. Sandee, it's a special kind of stupid.

  10. Ron, they're dangerous indeed... steal away.

  11. First rule of weapons safety, Feinstein -- you syphilitic afterbirth of an Islamic gang-bang -- NEVER put your finger on the trigger unless you mean to fire it. (If only that AK's magazine had been loaded -- Bwahhahahaha!)

  12. Marine, Islamic gang-bang? You almost dislike her as much as I do.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.