Sunday, January 6, 2013

I've Been Semi-Absent Lately

I've been kinda buzzzzy. Dresden has been keeping me busy lately. His
Mommy had the flu, Daddy had to
work, and Grandma was out of
town. SO ... That leaves Grampa.
So Dresden and me are sorry we didn't make our usual rounds to our
friends sites. Anybody could forgive
that little dude.


  1. Yep, I understand completely. He's a cutie pie too. Grandkids are the greatest.

    Have a terrific day spoiling your grandson. :)

  2. Understood...Parker(he's 5 and Lauren she's 19 months) get a lot of this grandpa lately too! Aint it great?

  3. He's a cutie! Has he gone motorcycle riding with you yet? :-)

  4. I understand completely.

    Just keep on taking care of business and we will catch you when we can.

  5. Also a question - I've noticed traffic at my site (thanks!) from a Canadian Woodstermangotwood site... how's that work - ey?

  6. Lucky boy, had special time with grandpa!

  7. I clicked on the pic to embiggun. He is so darn cute!!!

  8. Sandee, it's easy to spoil a ten week old. Feed often and change those diapers, and tell him off color jokes. He's a laughing little dude.

  9. Velcro, I don't motorcycle ride, but snowmobile hot damn.

  10. Velcro, the woodstermangotwood is me, but that Canada thing is a mystery. Although my business site is hosted there.

  11. Adrienne, since he was born everyone has said that. My neighbor says he looks like me. That must be it, huh.

  12. If I had a little cutie pie grandson like Dresden, I'd never be online. Enjoy every second with him, Odie.

  13. What a cutie. I missed most of my grandkids' years - they live in SoCA, I live up here. Christmas is make-up time. The cook starts in July and by Dec. 23rd, the closet is jammed. We are expected with open arms. :)

  14. Trailbee, he lives a couple of blocks away. The kids were concerned about being so close, but not any more. We're here to help any minute of any day.

  15. LL, thanks ... looks just like me huh.

  16. I appreciate your sacrifice Odie. I know you love it. I missed my grandkids growing up and now I am a Great Grandpa. Time marches on.

  17. AW! I'm glad everyone is feeling better and I'm glad you got to spend time with that little cutie!

  18. Dude, you give up your guy card if he isn't one of your top priorities (right after the Mrs).

  19. Couldn't be a better excuse for being absent. He'll be too old to baby-sit before you know, but then you'll have such great memories. Grampas are special.


  20. Maggie, thank you he's fun. I think I'll take him fishing next week.


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