Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Wisdom From the Bar

Luke ''The Drifter'' says:
"We Americans got so tired of being thought of as 
dumbasses by the rest of the world that we went 
to the polls this November and removed all doubt."


  1. There would seem to be two nations inside America. One produces and the other takes. Since the takers now outnumber the producers, we're well and truly screwed.

  2. We sure did. I didn't vote for him and I know you didn't either. God help us to get through the next four years of idiocy.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  3. LL, that's OK, Obama will give you free condoms.

  4. Sandee, tighten the belt and stay strong.

  5. Seems like dumb voters are multiplying faster than the rest of us. Wish they would use some of that free birth control. But I suppose they would have to be able to read the instructions.

  6. No, the stupids went for Barry, the smarts for Romney.

    Problem is, the Lefts stole, negated, or stuffed enough votes to win.

    We're not stupid, but it's time to start drawing lines in the sand.

  7. Sounds just right!
    That guy should go home, he's turning into a fossil sitting there. Happy Tues., Odie

  8. Ron, you say it so well, and with feeling too.

  9. Bunni, happy Tuesday. That guy needs anothèr drink.

  10. Hello and greets from Rosemary and P and M too.
    well, about Bunni. I did not know... I have not been on the nets. Yes, I update the Happy Place because so many like to read it so I am a slave to the blog... but I did work all summer for Romney here in Va. Those thugs stole this election.
    So, I have been pretty bummed about the election until just right now learning about Bunns.

    I hope all is well with you in CA. Here is No Va we are breathing and blinking - and now sad

  11. I'd buy him another one and get one for myself! I can hear Festus (Ken Curtis) saying, "...knuckleheads!"

  12. Bonksters, Bad news about Romney, and even worse news about Our Bunni.

    You might check out Always On Watch on my sidebar. You two have a lot in common.

  13. Them old timers were always right on the money...Too bad da yutes don't listen.


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