Monday, September 17, 2012

The Libs Would Not Tolerate This, But . . .

A True American Hero brought back to these pages.


  1. This may not be totally true, but...

    An aside, I saw a few of Pershing's personal effects at one of the museums in Indianapolis. Really cool!

  2. P, go visit the guy in Texas who has pig races in Texas.

  3. We need more Black Jack style when dealing with those turds.

  4. We should name a bad-ass missile after that guy...

  5. We're too politically correct to do this wonderful kind of stuff. They aren't though...they will lop off your head and be proud. We need to even the playing field.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  6. I would put a pig up their poke, to recoin an old phrase. Think Obama could learn from Blackjack? Hell I doubt he has ever heard about him---after all "57 states" and "corpsesmen"!

  7. It's the way the Limeys did it in the Sepoy Mutiny (probably where he got the idea).

    Being an English-speaker meant you had responsibilities and you lived up to them.

    Exactly what we need now.

  8. This is what it takes to push Muslims back!

  9. @edutcher, the rabble-rousers said that we Brits had smeared the Moslems cartridge cases with pigs blood (they had to bite the ends off before loading); they told the Hindhu Sepoys that we had put cow blood on theirs; yeah right, just to piss off the best soldiers in India.

    What we did do was tie captured mutineers across cannon barrels and blow them to smithereens.

  10. Can we clone Blackjack a few hundred times?

  11. That's a good contrast between what happens when you show strength to muslims and BO's policies of appeasement = weakness.

  12. This history of Pershing remains nebulous, though I heard a variant story that he'd threatened to bury the dead Muslims with pigs.

    The idea is valid, however. Force needs to be met with superior force, not conciliation. Pershing understood that because he was a warrior. Obama can never understand such a lesson.

  13. Ron, Obama never paid attention in school.

  14. Velcro, it's what happens when you put a coward in the White House.

  15. Euripides, refer to my last comment about cowards in the White House.


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