Monday, September 3, 2012

Happy Empty Chair Day !

Here is how we celebrated Empty Chair Day
at the Woodsterman Homestead.


  1. Nicely done! You forgot to include the booster seat though...

  2. My kind of day, except I need to be on a boat. Just saying.

    I'm happy you had the day off. :)

  3. BBQ? Beer? Book?

    I celebrated by going outside to hand water my smaller bushes and trees after drinking a pot of coffee (no water) and having a small breakfast.

    I stood in the sun for about 5 hours. Result? A whopping case of minor sunstroke. It took 80 oz of water to bring me up to zero. I no longer feel like I may die.

    Other than that, I had a great time. I LOVE to hand water stuff.

  4. Lovely picture. I am used to seeing a dusting of snow, though.

  5. Adrienne, glad to have you back among the living.

  6. The flag gave it the perfect touch. I really enjoyed seeing all the "empty chair" photos today.

  7. Beautiful chair and flag!
    Today is empty head day, as the dim wits are starting their freak fest.

  8. Lady, Glad you enjoyed the new tradition.

  9. Nah, Obama would never sit that close to a flag unless it was for a photo op.

    My empty chair sat out in the pouring rain... The remnants of the hurricane. Rather appropriate, I think.

  10. I think that an empty chair anywhere in your house is a codeword for RACISM...because it reminds you of President Obama, who is half black.

  11. Actually, Thursday is Empty Chair Day if you think about it.

    Those 54,000 empty chairs in BoA Stadium in Charlotte.

    They couldn't even give tickets to them.

  12. Actually, Thursday is Empty Chair Day if you think about it.

    Those 54,000 empty chairs in BoA Stadium in Charlotte.

    They couldn't even give tickets to them.


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