Saturday, August 25, 2012

Proud Parents ~ OR ~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

Break After Dark: The Butthole Tattoo - Watch More Funny Videos


  1. I'm totally convinced you are a dirty old man! What was that line in the old song "she's got tatoos on her 'but' I love it just the same" or maybe it was freckles--sign of the times. Tatoos are in freckles are out! Oh just to sleep perchance to dream of the good ole days.

  2. If this young anything "butt" lady is representative of the future, we're screwed in all ways...

  3. I'm still on the boat so I'll come back and view all the videos when we get home.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  4. I'd tell you a couple of the stories of The Blonde's days working Communicable disease, but I like you too much.

    Suffice it to say she will end up with what some "guys" require, having a new one ripped.

  5. Ron, your comment got me laughing out loud at tha arts and crafts show today. Thank you Dude!

  6. I don't even know what to say! Ugh!

  7. Brooke, Just a total shock to the system, huh.

  8. I heard they're developing a glow-in-the-dark ink specifically for this kind of buggery tattoo.

  9. Sig94, you can't beat glow in the dark.


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