Monday, June 18, 2012

Sign of the Times


  1. All of them are spot on Odie!!! I too am a lifetime member of DADDD.

  2. Criminologista, I do too. I wish I'd thought of it first.

  3. Stuck in a blue state. But at least I'm in a red city.

  4. Living in a deep red state, but occasionally a liberal sneaks through! There was a time when.....the good ole days.

  5. I'm in a blue state (California), and boy are these true. Really true especially that last one.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  6. ALL outstanding, but my favorites would have to be the third and the last ones.

  7. Nicely done, but the trooper with the dent in his Kevlar says it all.

  8. Sandee, living in a blue state is a bummer.

  9. Snarkster, welcome back dude. I'm the reason there is a DADD. I sneak around playing the lib

  10. Brooke, I love your impeccable taste.

  11. Odie, that solider with the bullet hole in his helmet reminds me of a kid in the 101st who was in Afghanistan only two days when he was hit just like that. Posted a video of it from an embedded reporter - somewhere here. Gotta looket up. Thanks for the laughs too.

    ADDD - Got one daughter married and another gone in two months. Both their husband and husband to be hate liberals. Got 4 grandkids from one and who knows with the others. If ya can't convert 'em, breed 'em.

  12. Sig94, sounds you've get some winners there.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

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