Saturday, March 10, 2012

He's Back ~ OR ~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

Miss Me ?


  1. Looks like someone did. Were you gone? Heh.

  2. You made it out of Californiastan OK? :)

  3. Uhhh, you were gone?

    Well, where ever you went we are just glad you made it back home sweet home where you are loved and adored

    lol @ Brooke

    love and bonks

  4. Randy, there is a duel purpose here. Yes I made it back alive from La La Land that is HollyWeird or SoCal in general.

    Madhat made a comment when I posted "Real Rule 5's". He Said, "Where is Odie and what have you done with him?" ... HE'S BACK!

  5. Well Brooke, to be honest I'm still in Colliefornya ... but the conservative corner!

  6. Pierro, love back at you ... please read my reply to Randy for clarification to the great mystery of, "where is he now".

  7. Glad you survived the moon bats in la la land.
    I know everyone is happy you're back.

  8. Glad you made it back, I was worried that if the normalcy continued that I would actually have to go to wal-mart to see the people of wal-mart.

  9. The last time I was In LA was 1961 and it sucked even then. Hate to think what its like these days. Did you lose something there?
    Good work on the image--what you looking at!

  10. Thanks Christopher, I love it when sexy women tell me they love me.

  11. Madhat, thanks to you I was woken up before disaster set in.

  12. Ron, actually LA was OK in 1961. Kids could safely play outside at night.

    I'm looking at two lovely ladies!

  13. Glad to hear you escaped from that hotel with no FNC.

  14. Woodie, you have to get off the mountain every now and then, like maybe a trip to Costco or Sams, and take on the Looney Left whenever you can.

    I also am in a conservative haven. Seldom meet a Lib, except for the very young woman across the street and a particular, very beloved family member.

    Love the Andrew poster and your two Republican badges. Love them.


  15. Maggie, I do make it to the Reno Costco once in awhile. And we try to tell our neighbors of the wonder of flush toilets we done comed across in our travels. When you say conservative, do you mean "REAL" people?

  16. Teresa,she made me come back and I'm happy she did.


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