Thursday, December 22, 2011

I Love This Song


  1. (Fishbowl DC) — Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wisc.), known for his cantankerous ways and for not speaking to media unless it’s his idea, was overheard at the Delta Crown lounge at Reagan National Airport today talking on his cellphone about an incident he said occurred three weeks ago while at an Episcopal church auction. Please note, a church auction.
    Our source, a Democratic operative who heard the whole thing, said he was “very loud”. Sensenbrenner was overheard saying that after buying all their “crap” (his word) a woman approached him and praised first lady Michelle Obama. He told the woman that Michelle should practice what she preaches — “she lectures us on eating right while she has a large posterior herself.”

  2. Deekaman, Check out YouTube. I'm sure there's one there for you.

  3. Jarhead, you know Michelle Obama can't help it---its in the genes--just a fact no racial slur intended although my statement of truth is politically incorrect!

    As for the song---I must have been living on another planet---never heard it before! Must have been in Mexico listening to Mombo and regional polka when it came out.

  4. Ron, don't feel like lone stranger. I've heard it for years, but mostly when watching the movie "Love Actually" that's become a Christmas tradition here. I just found out that Mariah Carey did the original ... DUH.

  5. Yeahm Jarhead and , and she's got big mouth to go right along with her huge ass!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. There are a few things you should really just keep to yourself, and there are some subjects that are better to just left unsaid …….. the appearance and the size of the First Ladies large behind is one of them

  8. Odie,
    You love the song -- or the boobs? ;^)

  9. Everyone knows that Obama's ego is tremendous, It's even bigger than Michelle's derriere

  10. You guys must be wearing this video out...It keeps stopping and starting on me. :)

  11. Earth bacon, sorry you couldn't stick around.

  12. Mal, how did this get from I like this song to mooshell

  13. Great song! A great view of Mariah for the men, too. Big boobs are so much better to look at than a big butt.


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