Sunday, September 18, 2011

Put It Here Warren

 I believe it was Warren Buffett who proudly said,
"Heck, my secretary pays more in taxes than I do."
Well big mouth, here's your chance.


  1. Christopher, he had to. Some billionaires aren't very bright.

  2. Can I help a penny at a time! Buffet and Damon would force others to do the right thing as they see it.

  3. Ron, isn't wonderful when some make decisions for others.

  4. I always liked Chuck, and I do even more so NOW!

    That is a great video. Fat cats should send their money to me, I love kitteh's so ;-)

  5. Buffet is the worst kind of crony capitalist. Oprah, Rosie and all those horrid lefties should give up all their bucks and stop telling the rest of us how to run our lives!

  6. Let's hear it for Bunnies, kittehs, and Chuck!

  7. Opie, I couldn't agree more. I heard that Buffet might be in an argument with the IRS right now. Seems the guy might owe a bit more on his last return ... oops.


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