Tuesday, June 7, 2011

NewsBusted 6/7/11 ~ NewsBusters.org


  1. That was fun. Recovery summer, my foot.

  2. And now you know why I don't cut my hair...

  3. Bunni, I'm surprised the attention wasn't aimed at the Weiner.

  4. Born Again, I forgot ... was it Jodi you were trying to look like?

  5. That's the reason why I keep my mouth shut in the barber's chair.

  6. I was thinking the same thing, Odie.
    Maybe that had it produced already.

    You GOTTA KNOW the next one Jodi does will mention the weenie tot, it's too funny not to.

  7. Never let Mike Tyson cut your hair... or anywhere near you for that matter...

  8. The barber shop incident reminds me of the movie Sweeney Todd. Obamacare is the die slowly and as painful as possible health care of the future.

  9. The first half of the vid was hilarious. She was on fire.

  10. Teresa, I think Madhat called it with the Tyson cut.

  11. Neither are these guys!

    Man! She was throwing bombs today!


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