Wednesday, April 27, 2011

You Picked a Fine Time ......

"You Picked a Fine Time to Lead Us, Barack" by Jonathan McWhite


  1. I saw this a while back, it should get a grammy....

  2. I agree with Randy-g... Hey thay rhymes...

  3. They were great!! I 3rd what Randy said.

  4. Randy, I agree and while we're waiting I gave it an "Odie".

  5. Born Again, you're a poet and your feet show it .... they're Longfellows.

  6. Teresa, Randy's only right because he got here first.

  7. I would love to see this song playing at the Grammy Award.

  8. These guys are on to something here. They need to take this into a studio and get a proper recording. They also needed to thump a Bible and tote a gun, just so the lefties could have something to gripe about. They seem to be ignoring the bad economy and Obama's "contributions" to the national debt.

  9. Good One! I agree with ALL the comments above.

  10. Euripides, to be fair, I think this is old. It would be great if they would update it.

  11. We're old too Woodie. Maybe we could get some updating too. I'm thinking of dying my hair. How about you? :-)

  12. I was right because I was up waiting for your post at 4:00 AM....Sick twisted freak that I am.

  13. lol oish and now the birth certificate horror is in all its glory ~!

  14. Love it!

    I'm with Randy: this is Grammy material.

  15. Randy, we sick Dudes have to stick together. Don't you just love the predictability of the posting times here.

  16. On Watch, I think Randy gets the award for being the Rightest Commenter to visit this blog.


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