Tuesday, April 5, 2011

NewsBusted 4/5/11 ~ NewsBusters.org


  1. I did not realize how thick the doors are in Obama's limo. I'd like to see those things in a demolition derby.

  2. She is hilarious. Thanks for posting it.

  3. Trestin, I read somewhere they're 6 inches thick.

  4. Admiral, we guys have to get our Jodi fix.

  5. That limo of Obama's has a carbon footprint comparable to that of Idaho lol

    It gets like 4 miles a gallon, and it's diesel to boot- he really raised some eyebrows in Europe when he flew that in while their leaders were on Segways lol

  6. RR, all the comforts of home for his Lordship.

  7. I can see him putting an iPad on the teleprompter.

  8. I can too, Supi. Well he is both memory and fact challenged so he needs his liberal talking points right in front of him.

  9. Teresa, but does have to ruin a perfectly good iPad?


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