Sunday, February 27, 2011

Short Last Names ....

Why NFL Quarterbacks Need Short Last names...

Thanks David !


  1. I'm laughing
    But what do he expect He's got berger in his last name and it looks like she "Wolfed that burger down" and some steak etc.etc.etc.

  2. whee baby, get me one of thems..

  3. WOW! Talk about a big fan!

    p.s., I have no idea who Flacco is but I sure do like that fan of his!

  4. Stopsign, she eats what ever she wants, and don't get in her way.

  5. Juandos, just try out for your favorite girl's team.

  6. Christopher, you have great taste my man. I think Flacco is a Raven's Quarterback.

  7. One time short has a bonus. I recall in school what was then the longest word; I may misspell "antidisestablishmentarianism" means something like "against the church".

  8. Ron, WOW, how wide would she have to be?


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