Thursday, February 17, 2011

Just When You Thought Is Was Safe ~ Walmart

 I guess One Size fits all does NOT apply to Toupees either!!

Where was she during our Neighborhood Scavenger hunt this summer! She has everything that was on my list!
 Ho-Ho-Holy Shit!! Santa???? ( I like his originality )
 Thanks to Obamacare- we now have to replenish our own medical supplies on all hospital stays over 24 hours.
Pimp My Santa!

Thanks Dan !


  1. We now know where the elves hang their hats.

  2. That is some funny stuff!
    I wonder if these people were reported to
    "if you see something......"

  3. Bunni, These are the people doing the reporting.

  4. Where do you find these things? This is just further proof of the reasons that I don't shop at Walmart.

  5. OK, the Santa suits are just plain scary. Yows!

  6. Conservative Girl, it's a special place.

  7. Punker Santa is actually pretty cool. The bottom one looks like ZZ Top after they've spent a long weekend at La Grange.

  8. Some parts of life are not to be believed.

  9. The guy with the little hats is priceless.

  10. Lady, isn't a great way to steal little hats?


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