Wednesday, January 19, 2011

More De-Motivational Posters VI ...

 Swowee I turn ... swtep by swtep
Need more lanes
 The real gangsta is in a previous post
Where's that laser sight when you need it?



  1. Jihad TV needs to go explosive. That would solve much of our Jihad troubles.

  2. The first photo reminds me of how I use to go around the house when my son was finally sleeping (He had colic for 9 months) Any noise back then would set the little time "bomb" off..:)

  3. I love visiting your blog! Would you like a Link Exchange with our blog Common Cents? Check us out here...

  4. The Islamic worlds version of a convertible?

  5. Stopsign, I remember something about that 34 years ago.

  6. Heh. The guy in the back of the 'sploded minivan waving to the camera like he's at Disneyland or something.

  7. The fat guy is riding one of those scooter chairs that the government buys people with my money as a "benefit". I think he's too fat for a conventional wheelchair but maybe he could diet? His rear is every bit as big as Michelle Obama's.

  8. LL, you'll get no argument here except I think he is a she.

  9. I can't tell if it's a he or a she. At a certain weight, everybody has boobs.

  10. innominatus, I would say he's too stupid to know any better.

  11. Opie, that's why they invented boob belts.

  12. They see her rollin, they HIDING!

    Funny stuff, Odie.

  13. BTW, which he is a she, or she is a he? MO??
    That might explain a few things.

  14. meow out loud, haha bonkbonkbonk

    The rolling fatty is a little nauseating.

    speaking of... did you see Moochelle Oblamer in the dress before the chinese dinner? she turned around and had a huge triangle scarf covering her huge butt. oh my Cod...

    bonks to all of you

  15. Bunni, the one in the chair, on the road, that's a tad over weight.

  16. Pierro, I missed that, but I'm a going to look fir that terrific outfit here shortly ... Bonk!


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

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