Sunday, January 16, 2011

More De-Motivational Posters V ...

I hope you like these as much as I do.
 Do the police have Google Maps in their patrol cars?
Great place for a hooker to stroll.
 If that vest disappears ... he ate it !
Yup ... kids, get up from those computers !


  1. These are great dude.....As were all the others.

  2. Fat kids and tug of war, I think the two things were made for each other.

  3. It looks like he is going to the beach after he gets done with traffic.

  4. The fat kid should be the ANCHOR in the tug-of-war, not up front. Somebody needs to teach these kids how it's done.

  5. Thank You Randy-g, the staff here at Woodsterman strives daily to bring these gems to you, our valued reader.

  6. Trestin, that is one of life's prime directives.

  7. Supi, you're right and I couldn't really figure him out ... I just went with it.

  8. LL, I think the the other end we can't see is pretty well covered. There's probably enough fat kids to go around.

  9. I resemble one of those pics..Don't you think so?

  10. Stopsign, I thought so when I posted it. I'm glad (or scared) you noticed it too.

  11. Once again you hit it out of the park!
    Gotta love google, I can guess what city that is, based on the addy!

  12. Bunni, would it be a city near and dear to your heart?

  13. Admiral, I'm not convinced that is the case, but then maybe that's because I choose to look at the better parts.

  14. It's certainly not dear to my heart ;-)

  15. So nice. I feel so much better about society as a whole now. Thanks Odie1

  16. Thanks Teresa, They were put here just for you.

  17. Scott, you bet that's why I put them here.


Put it here ... I can't wait to read it. I have the Captcha turned OFF but blogger insists it be there. You should be able to bypass it.

** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.