Sunday, August 22, 2010

Your I.D. Please ...

Thanks Dan


  1. Hell, the libs don't even want people to show a drivers license in order to vote!

  2. The obama agenda is clearly not an American one. As a community agitator and liberal factotem, he was out of touch with America. He lived in a bubble of racism and anger and remains there as president.

    He doesn't understand that Americans want to end ILLEGAL immigration, not immigration. He doesn't understand that we don't want a Victory Mosque at Ground Zero, not that we're against freedom of religion. He doesn't understand that we don't want his version of his national healthcare and it will end up being repealed. He doesn't understand that we don't want government in EVERY aspect of our lives and that America in general does not want to see society re-structured. He doesn't understand that most Americans are comfortable with private ownership of handguns and that making it illegal only means that criminals will be the people with guns. There's a lot he doesn't understand and he's a slow learner.

  3. Christopher, I've noticed ... that's how they win.

  4. LL, he continues to strengthen his led as the worst president ever.

  5. Christopher, I was shocked to learn that DL's were not a requirement to vote. I worked the polls in Illinois a few years back and was told I couldn't ask for ID!!!!!

  6. I remember Rush saying that if we get pulled over we should just say "no habla ingles".

  7. This is a great Photo! Also, LL once again says exactly what is so wrong with obummer!
    I think I"ll pretend no not understand english either.
    Happy Sunday, Odie.

  8. Righty, I think that word needs to be spread around.


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